Virginia, Nebraska, Oil on canvas – 12″x 16″
I love to drive, especially on long trips. Every summer we go to Northern Michigan – to Lake Huron. It’s a trip I love, two days up and two days back, driving through gorgeous scenery, forests and farms. (It’s amazing how many different types of barns there are!) Last year, in addition to the trip to Michigan, we drove to Sanibel Island in Florida and made a 3700 mile trip to South Dakota, returning home by way of Texas and Louisiana. As usual, I did most of the driving. Driving forces me to pay attention to everything around me and I’m always amazed by the beauty. Painting is my way of possessing that beauty so I want to paint it all! My husband is patient about taking photos with the cell phone as we sail past interesting things on the highway.
My paintings in this show are all of places observed from the car, in our travels over the last year.